Wednesday, June 8, 2011

a girls night in Provo

These lovely woman and I went to a Rooftop Concert in Provo to see Mindy Gledhill & Meaghan Smith perform. We managed to squeeze in near the front and we had a great view of the stage. We laughed, a lot and it was a great night. I sure love Summer..  

Oh yes, we also met the one and only, Cjane.. :) :)


  1. I look old...

    Also, I love girls night and this one was grand indeed. I totally want to go to more of the rooftop concert series! And who knows, perhaps Nie Nie and even Mr Nielsen might make an appearance! Oh the joys! ;)

  2. Sounds like lots of fun! I love concerts on rooftops! My husband treated me to one on our honeymoon and it was awesome :)

  3. baby, you melt my butta'

    that night was lovely, i say we plan on next month. it was a great night away, and very needed.

    mr nielsen and nie nie.. GASP! what would i do?
